In Part 1 you can access and download a variety of electronic political texts at the federal and provincial levels. To date, there are seven sections devoted to, respectively:
- federal party manifestos;
- Quebec party manifestos;
- provincial party manifestos outside Quebec;
- federal and provincial throne speeches;
- federal and provincial budget speeches;
- budget-related speeches by provincial Health ministers;
- budget-related speeches by provincial Education ministers.
Presently, these documents are offered in PDF and/or Word version. Some are available in TXT format. We hope to offer original versions, which are easy to read, and corrected Word versions, which facilitate computerized text analysis. If you use documents from our site and you convert them into TXT documents, please forward a copy of your TXT version for future posting on our site.
The use of these documents for publication purposes is subject to the mention of the following source:
"Poltext project. Centre for the Analysis of Public Policy (CAPP). Université Laval. The Poltext project is funded by a grant from the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture."
You will find in this document a state of our platforms and manifestos' collection (August 2012) and a description of the research avenues that we have explored during the past months to collect these platforms. For those that are missing, we also present suggestions for further research that may eventually lead to updates to our collection depending on future collaboration opportunities. As new elections happen each year, we collect the new platforms and deposit them on the site.