Province Législature Session Type de discours Date du discours Locuteur Fonction du locuteur Parti politique Terre- Neuve et Labrador 35e 1ère Discours du Trône 1er mars 1972 Ewart John Arlington Harnum Lieutenant Gouverneur PC MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: I welcome you to the First Session of the Thirty-Fifth General Assembly of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. This House of Assembly opens at a time in our history when there is throughout the Province a rising expectation of a new era, coupled with a deep concern caused by the very high level of unemployment and the need for the creation of thousands of new permanent jobs. It has been nearly twenty-three years since our Province became part of the great Confederation of Canada and it is fitting that we pay tribute to those who brought this about and to those who have been responsible for the progress that we have made since then. Many mistakes have been made in the years since we joined Canada and we would be a very unwise people if we had not learned from these mistakes. However, the past is past and our people now look forward with keen anticipation to a new approach and a steadily improving period of progress. The future of the Province is bright but to achieve the hopes and desires of all our people will take hard work and imagination. The challenge has never been greater. It is a challenge that must be accepted by all the people of our Province in order to reach the goals that are available to us. My new Government has been in office for only six weeks and has shown already a determination to bring forward plans and programmes backed by the necessary legislation to ensure an active and well planned programme of development. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: My Government is primarily concerned with visualizing the kind of Newfoundland that is possible now and in the years ahead. My Ministers will present policies that can and must be formulated and made workable today if our social and economic goals for tomorrow are to be achieved. There is undoubtedly a consensus among all on some basic economic and social goals, such as full employment, high and sustained economic growth, reasonable price stability, good health services and an equitable distribution of rising incomes within the Canadian society. These goals must also be reflected in increased earnings for all employable Newfoundlanders now living in one of the most healthful and pleasant environments to be found anywhere on this planet. My Government realizes that it must capitalize on our assets, it must minimize our liabilities. Reaching these goals requires looking ahead because what Newfoundlanders will be, in say 10 years, will be determined by the quality of the decisions made today and in the next few years. Looking ahead is imperative because we live in a world of swift, incessant, and all-pervasive change. Decisions made today with only the past and present in mind are almost certain to lead to no better social and economic development than what we have experienced during the past decade. Newfoundland need not have the highest unemployment record and the lowest per capita income of this great nation. My Government is planning to introduce new social and economic policies to guide effective development within the Province. My Government pledges itself to the philosophy of inter-regional equity, Government interdepartmental co-ordination, and inter-governmental partnership. The base resources of our Province - the sea, the land, the clean air and the pure water - must create the foundation upon which our new Newfoundland society will be built in order to make the Province a place in which our young people can grow and find opportunity to develop and utilize the skills and talents which are theirs. In order to make, for our Newfoundland's sake, use of this human resource here at home, it must create not only jobs but a sense of challenge; not only material wealth but a pride and purpose in Newfoundland life. Our Province can provide these things, and my Government must see that it does. My Ministers are now reviewing in detail the situation with .respect to various industrial projects and agreements entered into by the former administration. A complete review has been instituted of the Javelin Linerboard Project at Stephenville and Happy Valley. Full information will be given to the House on the current situation of that Project and of the plans of my Government to ensure that that Project is completed successfully. The Oil Refinery Project at Come-by-Chance is receiving the careful attention of my Ministers and a progress report on the situation with respect to that Project will be given to Honourable Members of the House. My Government will carry out existing agreements but my Government is determined to ensure that every right of the people and the Government of Newfoundland is observed and determined to ensure that every benefit possible accrues to this Province from these Projects. Honourable Members will be given full information on other government assisted industries, whether still operating, such as the Steel Mill at Donovans, or closed, such as the Magnesium Plant of Sea Mining Corporation at Aquathuna. It is my Government's intention to involve the people of the Province in the Governmental process through the establishment of Advisory Councils. These Advisory Councils will be composed of individuals expert in their respective fields, with Province-wide representation. An Advisory Council will advise my Government on the problems and on the solutions to those problems. They will provide specific recommendations to my Government. Employing the same principle my Government will establish Regional Advisory Councils to advise on regional matters. It is also the intention of my Ministers to decentralize the Government of this Province. Government services will be taken to the people, so that no matter where they live they will have the opportunity to utilize these services to the fullest extent. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: The first priority of my Ministers will be the establishment of a sound programme of Regional Resource Development. The first step will be the strengthening of the Department of Economic Development so that it will become an important vehicle for attracting new industry and business to this Province as well as assisting the expansion of industry and business which is already located in the Province. It is my Government's intention to proceed with the Development Corporation to be established jointly by the Government of Canada and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. This will enable small businessmen throughout the Province to develop and expand in those areas which will be the most important to our future development. It is my Government's intention to have this Development Corporation operational this Spring. My Ministers will draw on the advice and assistance of qualified resource development planners within and outside the Government, and will work very closely on Regional Development Plans for all regions of the Province with the residents of the regions who know best the potential of their areas. They will lay heavy emphasis on fishing, forestry, agriculture, mining, tourist development, and small business and industry which can quickly produce many permanent jobs for my people. These programmes will place the initiative in the hands of my people with the full support of their Government. The Department of Fisheries will be greatly expanded immediately so that it can provide much greater assistance and information to the fishermen of this Province. The Department will be dramatically increased in size, many new Divisions established, and many new services implemented, so that it will reflect the importance my Government places on fishing as one of the major industries in the Province. It is my Government's intention to establish regional offices of this Department at selected locations. Initially, there will be branches of the Department located on the Burin Peninsula of the South Coast, on the West Coast, and on the Northeast Coast. These branches will be established in order to provide better service to the fishermen living in those areas. If the much expanded Department of Fisheries is to be fully effective the fishermen themselves in all parts of the Province must be directly involved. My Ministers will encourage participation by all fishermen through discussion groups; by providing them with the information developed in the Department; and through the establishment of Regional Advisory Councils which will work with the Department in the formation of future plans and policies affecting each particular region. My Ministers will introduce a new programme to give better assistance to inshore fishermen to obtain boats, gear and equipment. A special incentive programme will be introduced to assist fishermen in obtaining large multi-purpose boats which can be used for dragging, seining, mid-water trawling, and longline fishing. My Ministers will introduce legislation concerning a new financing approach to provide the supply of fish necessary for existing fish plants around our coast in order that they may be utilized to as near full capacity as possible. Legislation will be introduced to establish a Corporation which will own or lease rights on a new fleet of trawlers. This fleet will add to the production of new or existing processing plants. This new trawler fleet will be in addition to the existing fleets in the Province. My Ministers, working in conjunction with the Federal Government, will establish a new and realistic programme of bait assistance to the fishing industry. These strategic locations will ensure a continuous supply of suitable bait and when necessary prohibit excessive export of scarce and desirable bait from the Province. Legislation will be introduced at the earliest possible date to establish, in conjunction with the Federal Government, an inexpensive shared cost insurance programme covering loss of fishing gear. My Ministers recognize the fact that the preservation of the fish stock is the most important single problem facing our fishing industry. I t is the intention of my Ministers to make the strongest possible representations to the Government of Canada to recognize the tremendous importance of the preservation of fish in Canadian waters. My Ministers will support any organization with this objective, and further, will make direct representation to the Government at Ottawa with all the energy and reason at their command to bring about this desired objective. Special emphasis will be placed on the tremendous need to upgrade the place of the fishermen in the social and economic life of this province. In the coming months, the Department of Fisheries will provide information to all of my people concerning the important role of the fishermen and their great contribution to the economy of our Province. My Government will immediately embark on a programme to encourage the establishment of additional advanced reprocessing facilities for fish within this Province, My Government feels that there will be a great many new jobs created by the further processing of our fish products. It will take time to establish the facilities and teach the skills required to reprocess our fish production, but it is my Government's intention to take immediate steps to initiate this programme. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OFTHE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: My Government will take steps to establish a Provincial policy of basic resource development. All resource heritage areas of our Newfoundland - water resources; power; mines; farm lands; fisheries; minerals; both off-shore and on-shore; our natural gas and petroleum reserves; tourism; in short, all base resource sources - will be, as is our birthright, the property of the people of Newfoundland. Legitimate investors will be encouraged; decent fair partnership relationships will be established; and a climate of good, healthy, honest development will be generated in which legitimate business will be encouraged to locate. The entire resource base of our Province will be examined in total context and Government policy will show an emphasis on job creating, resource development projects that have not had a place in our Province before. It is the intention of this Government to establish a Newfoundland Conservation Corps. This will entail the binding together of Game Wardens; Clean Air, Water and Soil Authority inspectors; Forest Rangers; in short, all enforcement officers who are charged with the all-important responsibility of protecting our priceless outdoor heritage. This corps will be expanded and more stringent regulations will be promulgated to aid this body in the essential job of protecting and preserving our Newfoundland forests, streams and wildlife. A committee of persons actively interested in our Newfoundland outdoors will be invited to advise my Government on such regulations and a group of volunteers will be recruited to aid in their enforcement. There can be no doubt that the prosperity of the future of our Province will, to a large extent, depend on the proper and reasonable management of our vast offshore gas and petroleum potential. In order to ensure that the interests of the people of our Province are protected and to encourage the orderly exploration development of our off-shore resources, my Government will issue regulations governing the activities of interested groups in this area. These regulations will not only serve to protect the people of Newfoundland but will, as well, protect and encourage the activities of legitimate developers and discourage the unscrupulous and irresponsible promoters. Newfoundland's unique and indisputable right to these off-shore resources must be established with the Federal Government and appropriate steps must be taken to see that our people acquire full benefit from them. Sane and sensible forest management policy must be embarked upon with due respect for the rights of established industry in order to promote and develop the orderly expansion of forest related industry. Negotiations must commence between Government and industry in order to ensure that our full forest potential be realized. It is the sincere and honest conviction of my Government that farming should and will be an honourable way of life for many of our people. Toward the realization of this end and to aid the small farmer already engaged in the farm industry who cannot afford to invest large sums of money in heavy equipment, my Government will establish farm equipment banks in several appropriate areas of the Province. Farmers will, for a small rental fee, have the use of these items as their need demands. Further toward this aim is the intention of my Government to introduce legislation to bring into active and productive use the large quantities or arable land lying vacant because of absentee ownership. It should be emphasized that people who hold land and who use it to good effect will not be affected by this legislation. It is the intention of Government to bring into production those areas of farm land which have lain fallow and idle for many years. This Government will also introduce legislation establishing a resource loan bank to enable Newfoundland people to involve themselves in the expansion and development of our resource-based industries. The farm loan plan and other such existing schemes will be incorporated into a new larger bank which will be in a position to extend aid to all those who wish to engage in the development of our basic resources. This plan is aimed toward aiding the fisherman, sawmill operator, the farmer and those other of our Newfoundland people whose desire it is to contribute to our Provincial development. Over the years many mineral licences and concessions have been granted throughout the Province which my Ministers feel have not produced sufficient mining activities in any sensible proportion to the large territories under concession. Similarly, off-shore oil drilling concessions have been granted on a very large scale without any real or adequate knowledge of their potential. My Government will examine carefully all such leases and concessions with a view to their revision for the purpose of attracting early exploration and development. My Ministers feel that if our Province is to develop its full potential from its mineral deposits a sound co-ordinated programme is necessary immediately. My Ministers believe that our forests have played and will play a major part in the economic development of our Province. A programme to ensure the proper management of our forest resource will be a priority. It is my Government's intention to review the present situation with respect to forest and timber rights in this Province. There will be discussions with all the companies concerned, the objective being the reorganization and rationalization of the forest resource available, to determine how it can be utilized best for the people of our Province. I t is my Government's intention to encourage the establishment of modern sawmills in suitable locations in the Province. My Government plans to carry out in conjunction with the industry a building programme of access roads to open up our timber resource. My Government will encourage existing companies to modernize and expand and working with industry and labour implement as quickly as possible a programme of planned forest management which will include afforestation and proper harvesting. My Government proposes to introduce legislation to the Honourable House of Assembly during 1972 to deal with the question of the close-down of industries, whether mining industries or otherwise, and the setting of a period of reasonable notice by an industry before such a shut-down can occur. My Ministers feel that any industry utilizing the resources of the Province must be required to give the Government and the employees of that industry reasonable notice before any proposed permanent or lengthy close-down of the industry. My Government is very strong in its unqualified belief that the natural resources of this Province and the benefits to be derived therefrom are the birthright of my people. It is with such natural resources that our whole future rests. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OFTHE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: My Government realizes that with the rapid developments of our age the problem of pollution control is one to be seriously considered. My Government recognizes that it must assume responsibility for the overall direction and control of this problem. It will be their intention to provide advice to all sectors of society in order to combat what could develop into a serious situation. In addition, we will be prepared to offer financial assistance in those areas where it is felt necessary. Equally my Government will impose controls in areas which can be handled by those directly involved. My Government plans to encourage private groups and individuals to work on pollution control and it would like at this time to extend compliments to those groups already involved in this work. My Government intends to investigate the functions of the Clean Air, Water and Soil Authority with a view to strengthening it and extending its authority so that the pressing problem of pollution can be more readily resolved. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: My Government is aware that the tourist industry of this Province must be developed substantially. To date, we have only scratched the surface and the full potential is really unknown. My Ministers will introduce a programme of assistance to improve private tourist home facilities in the rural sections of the Province and will assist in the development of recreational facilities for winter and summer activities. Special emphasis will be placed on the expansion of tourist facilities where there is great potential for year round tourist activity. Adequate conservation and protection for our sports fishing and game will be initiated and it is also my Government's intention to ensure that our Province's natural attractions, its beauty, its forests and parklands, its rivers, streams, lakes and mountains, will be preserved in their natural state and at the same time create jobs in the tourist industry for my people. My Government will expand its tourist promotion programme throughout Canada and the United States to draw tourists into the Province, always bearing in mind that the greatest asset which this Province has in the field of tourism is the warmth and hospitality of its people. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: The rapid growth in the number of councils which have become incorporated under the Local Government Act is most encouraging. As a very important part of my Government's policy to improve the quality of administration my Ministers recognize the need to strengthen the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing by establishing regional offices in the larger strategic locations in the Province. The question of providing additional financial assistance to municipalities has received very serious consideration. I n view of the fact that the Newfoundland Federation of Municipalities has recommended to Government that the ceiling on revenue grants paid to municipalities be raised my Ministers have decided to remove the $75,000.00 ceiling and increase this figure to $100,000.00. My Government is also adopting a policy requiring certain crown corporations located and doing business within municipal boundaries to pay taxes to the municipalities involved. My Government will initiate forthwith a policy of cost sharing for paving of streets in the incorporated municipalities throughout the Province. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: Education in our Province, in common with the rest of North America is an ever changing and developing facet of our society. We are on the threshhold of the 21st century. Mankind now has the ability to store, process and transmit information on a scale never before imagined. The-challenge this poses for my Government is unrelenting. We must give our people the training to apply new techniques and the education to apply them wisely. The process of change has been accelerated through the use of many new techniques in the field of education, such as the introduction of computers, tape recorders, calculators, audio visual aid presentations, and similar modern additions to the field of learning. My Government will set up pilot projects using many of these new techniques. This will be done in close co-operation with school boards and with the established educational authorities of the Province, as well as with Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. My Government will strive for a balanced educational program that considers equally the needs of the elementary and high school systems, the University, the technical and vocational schools and the Fisheries College. In addition, particular attention will be given to special schools that teach all those children who are not adaptable to the traditional methods of education. This House will be asked to consider amendments to the present Newfoundland Teachers Association Act setting forth the terms of this Act more clearly. The transportation of school children by school bus is a very important problem. My Government feels that the whole matter of school bus transportation needs close examination and co-ordination to improve its efficiency and to prevent its cost from increasing at too rapid a rate. It is my Government's intention to establish Regional Colleges in various sections of the Province and this programme is under the most active and detailed study by the Department of Education. It is the intention of my Ministers to commence consultation between representatives of the School Boards, the N.T.A. and the University authorities, to work out a satisfactory long-term plan for our educational needs. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OFTHE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: In the construction of hospitals, my Ministers are aware of the urgent need for construction of new facilities at Corner Brook, Carbonear, Twillingate, the Hospital for Mental and Nervous Diseases, and a replacement for the existing General Hospital, St. John's. Major progress is planned for each of these projects. It is mandatory that the existing concepts of health care be studied and modified. We have been assured of the assistance of experienced officials of the Department of National Health and Welfare to work with our own officials in planning and suggesting the future role of many existing health facilities, and, as well, where and what type of new facilities should be constructed. Our general policy will aim for the construction of viable regional hospitals and community health centres which will include public health, diagnostic and emergency treatment services. Examples of the areas to be considered for hospitals include Clarenville to Whitbourne, the Bonavista Peninsula and the Burin Peninsula. Another is the north-west coast of the Province. Each of these areas should have more and better comprehensive health facilities. However, in order to make health services more rational and more readily available to most people, taking into account population trends, the exact locations of hospitals and clinics must be considered carefully. This will be done. Progress in public health and hospital services will see, this year, an accelerated extension of the process of transferring Government-operated hospitals to the people and the communities they serve. These hospitals will be operated by Boards of Governors and the Boards will include major local representation. There is a great awareness by my Ministers of the inadequate dental care available to our people. This is a most difficult problem and every conceivable solution is being considered. My Ministers are not alone in their alarm at the high cost of drugs and this subject is being given intense study, not only in Newfoundland, but in other Provinces. A solution must be found and much effort will be made to find that solution. While I have referred to some of the problems which confront Government in the field of health let it not be thought that we are complacent about other health services. We are studying measures to correct drug abuse, to promote accident prevention and industrial and occupational health. We shall improve public health facilities by increasing the number of public health doctors and nurses, environmental health inspectors, health educators, nutritionists and others so necessary to achieve good public health. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: My Government will introduce legislation to improve the present social assistance program. Our goal is to make it more comprehensive, so that those who cannot earn a living through no fault of their own will have their allowance increased so that they may live in decency and with dignity. Those people who can work must be given the opportunity to do so. An incentive system will encourage those who are able to work to re-enter the labour force and at the same time retain some of the support of public funds until they are fully self-supporting. The basis on which assistance will be provided for foster homes and institutional care of children will be reviewed and, where necessary, modified. Our senior citizens, church organizations and other agencies will be assisted with appropriate guarantees to provide institutional care for our older people. Measures will be introduced to assist senior citizens in maintaining themselves in their own homes. The care and assistance of handicapped and retarded children is of deep concern to my Government and the present facilities will be added to as quickly as possible. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: The Department of Community and Social Development will give high priority to improving the process of area development as a means of assisting the self-development of our people and their involvement in the management of the resources available to them. My Government intends to promote further the Development Associations and will make available to them not only grants towards operating costs but also more technical assistance and additional training programs. My Government realizes the great importance of such Federal-Provincial Agreements as The Special Areas and Highways Agreement, The Special Resources Agreement, The ARDA Agreement, and The Special Employment Programmes, as a basis for underwriting new development on a cost shared basis with the Federal Government. My Government will seek the maximum participation of the Federal Government in the financing and expansion of existing and new development programmes. My Government believes very strongly that there are many areas in which rural development can be very successful. Interim and long range planning will be carried out with a decided emphasis on job creation through the Federal-Provincial Programme. My Ministers are convinced of the need of a dynamic programme of rural development. My Government has faith in the future of rural Newfoundland and they will translate that faith into effective action. For too long important areas of our Province, such as St. Mary's Bay, have been neglected. My Ministers will not tolerate a continuation of this neglect. My Government is pledged to a policy of development of these areas. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: My Government considers it of the utmost importance to have a complete review made of all labour legislation. The present legislation is outdated and should be repealed and new legislation introduced which would make the law more applicable to good labour management. My Ministers will create an Advisory Council that will play an active role in creating closer liaison between employers and employees, either individually or through their organizations, with a view to overcoming many of the problems which lead to major labour-management disputes. Immediately upon receiving the Cohen Commission Report my Ministers will be consulting with representatives of labour and management, and, as quickly as possible thereafter, introduce appropriate legislation. My Government has taken the necessary steps to end the discrimination in the payment of minimum wages to women as compared to men. As from April 1, 1972, the minimum wage to be paid to female workers aged 18 and over will be increased from $1.00 per hour to $1.25 per hour. As from April 1, 1972, the minimum wage for female workers aged 16 to 18 will be increased from 65 cents per hour to 85 cents per hours. My Government has further decided that the minimum wage to be paid all workers, both male and female, aged 18 and over is to be increased from $1.25 per hour to $1.40 per hour as of June 1, 1972. My Government has also decided that the minimum wage paid all workers, both male and female, aged 16 to 18 win be increased from 85 cents per hour to $1.10 per hour as from June 1, 1972. My Government will review from time to time the minimum wage level with a view to ensuring that the minimum wage rises with general wage levels in our economy. My Ministers propose to seek the authority of the Honourable House of Assembly to make amendments to the Employment of Children Act, so that following such an amendment the Act may be proclaimed. You will be asked to repeal the Trades Union Act and to pass new legislation relating to the registration of Trades Unions. You will further be requested to revise the Fishing Industry (Collective Bargaining) Act to make it more effective in meeting the problems and needs of that industry. My Ministers feel that the legislation enacted in 1970, relating to Collective Bargaining within the public service, is inadequate in many respects. The Public Service (Collective Bargaining) Act of 1970 is little more than enabling legislation which provides for details of Collective Bargaining to be prescribed subsequently by regulation. It is the view of my Ministers that this is not in the best interest of the Public Service and more comprehensive legislation will be introduced during this Session. Manpower Training and Placement and Training Services will be more closely co-ordinated with Federal programmes. The aim of my Ministers is to relate the type of training to the demands of the labour market. They shall set up a research division for a constant monitoring of the future needs of the labour market and a counselling service to devise and relate technical training programmes to these demands. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: My Ministers have given very careful and sympathetic consideration to the report of The Royal Commission Respecting Radiation, Compensation & Safety at the Flourspar Mines in St. Lawrence. My Government feels it is the wish and desire of all Newfoundlanders that the indomitable courage of those who worked in the mines at St. Lawrence and the patience and suffering of the dependents of deceased miners be fully recognized. It is with this in mind and with a sense of gratitude and responsibility toward these brave people that my Government has proudly decided to implement in full the recommendations of the Royal Commission on St. Lawrence. Legislation will be laid before you which will ensure that disabled miners who have worked in the St. Lawrence Mines and the next of kin of deceased miners will receive the security and amenities of life a grateful Province feels they deserve. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERSOFTHE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: A general and far reaching programme of highway improvement will be introduced later in the Session the details of which will be revealed when the estimates of that Department are brought before the House. The objective of this programme is to attend to those sections of the Province which have been neglected in the past and especially those areas not served by the Trans Canada Highway. Transportation will be of the utmost importance to the future development of our Province. This will mean that the isolated parts of our Province will be linked up with the main highroads system. The present substandard roads will have to be upgraded to a standard to meet the demands of the future. Particularly, in the great mainland section of our Province, Labrador, a major road building programme will be commenced with the objective being a first class highway running from Happy Valley in the East through to the Province of Quebec Highroad System. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: My Government believes that decent shelter is one of the basic rights of human beings. My Ministers realize the needs and aspirations of our people in terms of Housing and have already commenced studies aimed at finding solutions to these problems. At the same time my Government maintains that when a person is removed from his home through any urban renewal development that this person has the right to have his home replaced by a comparable home. You will therefore be asked to repeal The Family Homes Expropriation (Amendment) Act, 1966-67. As well, you will be asked to give consideration to a new Landlords and Tenants Act, which will be introduced to protect the rights of tenants and also encourage construction to meet the demands for housing. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OFTHE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: It is the intention of my Government to review the functions of the present departments of Government with a view to streamlining and making more efficient our Governmental operations. To begin this process my Ministers have decided to establish a Department of Intergovernmental Affairs. My Ministers intend to set up an all-Party committee to review the present rules of the House of Assembly. My Government is fully conscious of the responsibilities of the Loyal Opposition in the Honourable House of Assembly and is desirous of ensuring that it is provided with adequate facilities to enable it to perform its functions in the best interests of our Province. To this end it is the intention of my Government to conduct a study of the needs of the Members of the Opposition with regard to office accommodation, staff, and related matters, and to determine the extent to which these needs can be met. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OF THE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: My Government has decided to lay before this House legislation providing for a reduction in the voting age to eighteen years. My Ministers are convinced that young Newfoundlanders are alert to their responsibilities and should be given the opportunity to exercise their franchise upon reaching this age. Legislation concerning the expansion of legal aid in the Province will be introduced as soon as possible. I n co-operation with the Law Society of Newfoundland my Ministers will work with firm determination to assure that none of my people will be deprived of legal counsel simply because of their inability to pay. A Family Guidance Act will be introduced at this Session and also a Marriage Act. There will be a new act concerning the Fire Department, a new act regarding The Alcoholic and Liquors Act of Newfoundland and legislation introduced requiring the establishment of an Independent Licensing Appeal Board. My Government has initiated a study to be commenced into the complicated area of regulation of any possible or potential conflicts of interest between the private interests of members of the Honourable House of Assembly and of the Government or of senior Government employees and the public duties of their positions. This is an area in which no Province of Canada has satisfactory laws or regulations. My Government has requested Professor Allan Sinclair of the Law School of the University of New Brunswick to commence immediately a study of this area and to draft legislation to be introduced in the House of Assembly if at all possible during 1972. The law or regulations in other jurisdictions will be studied and my Government hopes to introduce in the Honourable House of Assembly model legislation on this important question. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OFTHE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: The programme of my Government is a programme of action; a programme designed to attack unemployment and the many other problems facing our Province. My Government will act to deal with the problems on two fronts; on a short-term and a long-term basis. The short-term programme will see immediate action; immediate steps to reduce unemployment and get people actively involved in working with their Government to shape the destiny of our Province. There will be immediate attention given to bettering the quality of life in our Province through improved social assistance to those in need and an expansion of services such as health and education. The second phase of the programme, the long-term, will see the beginning of coordinated, long-term planning. It will be carried out in conjunction with the Government of Canada to ensure that the various services of the Government and its policies for creating long-term permanent jobs for our people will achieve maximum results. This approach is geared to accomplishing a continual improvement in our economic and social conditions and it will assure for the future, through wise planning, the continued growth of our great Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. MR. SPEAKER AND MEMBERS OFTHE HONOURABLE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY: I began with a reference to the past and I stress the needs of the present and the future. My Ministers have laid before you a programme which will be of outstanding benefit to our people and one which demands their full understanding and co-operation if we are to reach the desirable goals which my Government has set for our Province. The challenge of this new approach, in this new age, is for all of our people to become involved in the building of this Province. My Government seeks your full and loyal co-operation, not through demanding the impossible, but by working together for what we can accomplish with what we have on which to build. Ail Newfoundlanders worthy of the name could not ask for a more sensible request or a more exciting challenge. With a clear understanding of our present position, and a dedication to the progress which we must make, we can look forward to the future with hope and confidence. MAY DIVINE PROVIDENCE GUIDE YOU IN YOUR DELIBERATIONS!