Province Législature Session Type de discours Date du discours Locuteur Fonction du locuteur Parti politique Manitoba 27e 2e Discours du trône 6 février 1964 Errick F. Willis Lieutenant-gouverneur PC Madam Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba: I have pleasure in welcoming you to the second session of the 27th Legislature of the Province of Manitoba. My Ministers state that this session opens midway in a series of important Dominion-Provincial conferences that have far-reaching financial and constitutional implications for Canada. Up to the present a modification of the tax-sharing plan has been proposed by the federal government which provides increased payments to Manitoba. I am informed, however, that my government's views on tax equalization and on shared cost programs have not yet been satisfactorily met and that my Ministers will continue their efforts to secure better terms. At the same time they have indicated their desire to co-operate fully and frankly with the federal government and the other provinces of Canada In the creation of a stronger and more harmonious Canadian nation. Both levels of government must continue to work together for the preservation of the Canadian Confederation in unity and prosperity. I am informed that the year 1963 was one of sustained economic expansion in most sectors of the provincial economy. For the year ahead my government foresees continued growth with a rise in economic activity averaging five percent. My government is nonetheless faced with many increasing requirements which necessitate the utmost care in the allocation of provincial revenues. The relation between education and employment and the power of knowledge as a determinant of growth is emphasized by my Ministers. In addition to the advances in the field of education which you have already approved, you will be asked to make preparations for the greatly increased number of students in the courses offered in our technical and trade schools and in the up-grading courses being offered throughout the province. You will be asked to make provision for a new basic skills development program, a junior vocational school and a new directorate in the Department of Labour to undertake job research and development. Larger appropriations will be sought for education generally, including grants to local authorities. The University of Manitoba is to be assisted in the operation of a new School of Dental Hygiene and in the development of post graduate activities as well as in current and capital requirements £or increased enrolment. An increase in the assistance rendered Brandon College will be recommended to help that institution in its expanding role. A revision of the curricula is moving at an accelerated pace and will include completion of the general course work, the university entrance course, the new terminal course and major revisions of the vocational and elementary school courses. An appropriation for construction of a special school for deaf children is included in my Minister's proposals. My Ministers also inform me they will present a statement dealing with the relationship between the public school system and the private schools and the principles which, in their view, underlie sound educational policy in Manitoba. An improved system of library grants will be put before you. A Special Committee of the Legislature will be proposed to review The Election Act. Resulting from a review of the correctional facilities of the province, an appropriation will be sought for a new juvenile detention home. Increased funds will also be requested to make possible other improvements in the administration of justice. My Ministers inform me that a new approach to the problem of branch line abandonment is to be expected and that they propose to take the initiative in protecting the legitimate interests of Manitoba communities affected by this problem. A bill to require the registration of pension plans and to ensure their solvency and portability will be placed before you for preliminary consideration. Progress has been reported in implementing that part of the Report of the Committee on Manitoba's Economic future which was assigned as a government responsibility. The Economic Consultative Board, the Export Corporation, the Research Council and the Design Institute are now established. My Ministers will report in detail on the implementation of the COMEF Report, but they note with appreciation the co-operative effort of representatives of labour and management and others in what will be the long and arduous task of making COMEF work. A program to encourage expansion of the soft goods industry will be proposed, with special emphasis on the development of a more highly skilled labour force. You will be asked to consider new measures to encourage the establishment of regional development associations to allow individual rural communities to combine for regional growth. A special project in this general area is related to the men who depend on the commercial fishing industry for their livelihood. In view of the sadly depressed conditions in that industry, my Ministers have made proposals to the federal government for a joint federal-provincial program of research, education, capital investment and marketing. My Ministers note, however, that the future of the T. C. A. overhaul base in St. James still remains in doubt. This problem casts a shadow on the industrial growth of the region. My Ministers have been informed that the report of the Special Committee of the Legislature dealing with livestock marketing will soon be tabled. They trust that the recommendations of the report may receive early consideration. A program of ground water exploration on a significantly expanded scale will be proposed. Additional funds will be recommended to expand the general program and to make provision for detailed investigation of ground water irrigation possibilities in southwest Manitoba. Two new programs of interest to the livestock industry will be put forward to promote land use and feed and fodder supplies. It is expected that the Red River Floodway will be half finished by the end of the coming fiscal year and the Shellmouth Dam Portage diversion complex on the Assiniboine river will be in construction at the end of 1964. A substantial new program for other drainage and water control measures will also be placed before you. My Ministers will introduce legislation to modernize The Forest Act. As recommended by COMEF, security of tenure in the forest industry and the allocation of forest resources will be among the principal matters included. A reorganization of the Department of Mines and Natural Resources has been implemented to meet in part the recommendations of COMEF in respect of mines. Increased mining and geological investigation will be proposed to assist the development of this industry. A new Elderly and Infirm Persons' Housing Act will be submitted. This will be designed to add to the personal care facilities available to elderly and infirm citizens. My Ministers report that an increase in welfare appropriations will be recommended to expand the child welfare staff, to raise social allowance levels, and to pay for recent pension increases. The Community Development Program to assist people of Indian and Métis ancestry will be enlarged with special emphasis on employment and economic opportunity. In accordance with its established policy, my government will launch a second provincewide poliomyelitis oral vaccine program in the coming year. The previous program has virtually eliminated this crippling disease in Manitoba. You will be asked to approve 100 new positions in the services dedicated to the relief of the mentally ill. This will assist in the prevention, detection, treatment and rehabilitation of mental illness. My Ministers report that a study of the agencies dealing with alcoholism and alcohol education has now been completed. Accordingly you will be asked to approve a revised program of grants to non-governmental bodies that work in this field and to authorize an integration of government responsibility as part of the rehabilitation program in the Department of Health. During 1963 Manitoba's hospital bed resources have been raised to a figure of just over seven beds per l, 000 population. This represents an increase of one bed per 1,000 since the hospital plan came in projects under way or anticipated for 1964 involve a further $20 million investment and will produce 250 additional beds. My Ministers will recommend the provision of funds for a further expansion of health units and laboratory and x-ray facilities to provide coverage for an additional 40,000 persons. During the session a proposal respecting the dental health field will be recommended for your consideration. During the coming fiscal year my government's highway construction and municipal aid programs will be continued. Limited light traffic highway facilities should be available to Thompson this year, thus linking the community for the first time with the rest of the province. Among the highway projects to be recommended are work on No. 6 highway, the Red River crossing at Osborne Street, additional sections of the north perimeter road, completion of the northeastern recreation triangle between McArthur Falls and Pine Falls, completion of the paving Irom Carman to Sperling on No. 3 highway, and the grading and gravelling of the Portage la Prairie bypass. My government expresses its real appreciation for the work of labour and management consultative groups during the past year. Both management and labour also deserve credit for one of Manitoba's best years in terms of labour-management relations Stemming from a joint labour-management committee on the construction industry, new legislation will be placed before you dealing with matters now covered by The Fair Wage Act. Beginning this year, the Department of Labour will undertake a three-year program of review of labour legislation. It is proposed to undertake this project in close co-operation with labour, management and others with a view to obtaining agreement on the best possible labour legislation for our province. My Ministers expect that this consultation will serve to produce revised legislation which will establish a high degree of co-operation among these groups in the industrial field in Manitoba. Amendments to The Workmen's Compensation Act will be placed before you to provide for the up-grading of certain past pension minimums. My Ministers expect that the report of the Metropolitan Corporation of Greater Winnipeg Review Commission will be available for consideration during the present session. It is likewise expected that the first report of the Royal Commission on Local Government Organization and Finance will be available for your consideration. Legislation to provide a local option vote relating to activities on the Lord's Day will be placed before you. You will also be asked to give consideration to legislation providing for assistance to municipalities in financing capital works in accordance with an agreement made with the Government of Canada under The Municipal Development and Loan Act. During the past year the first large scale public housing operation in the province has begun. My Ministers will propose further developments in the field of urban renewal and public housing. An expansion of the services of the Department of Municipal Affairs in connection with assessment, statistics and research will be recommended. I am informed that new records have been established in the use of electric power and telephone service in 1963. Before the end of the year 1964 it is expected that the first power from the large installation at Grand Rapids will be fed into the hydro grid system to serve the province. Capital sums will be requested for the continued expansion of the Manitoba Hydro and the Manitoba Telephone System. Certain amendments will also be proposed in the statutes relating to these two corporations. It is intended to clarify the relations between these utilities, the executive branch and the Legislative Assembly, so that the responsible boards may be rendered more directly accountable to the Legislature in respect of those activities which are their own statutory responsibilities. With the assistance of a distinguished committee of members of the Bar, accountants, and business men, consideration has been given to a reform of provincial law respecting financial and commercial matters. While these studies are not complete, my Ministers will introduce new legislation dealing with companies, real estate agents and mortgage brokers, in order to protect the public and to facilitate legitimate enterprise. You will be asked to approve expenditures for the celebration of the centenaries of 1967 and 1970. In addition to the federal grant of $1. 00 per capita and the special federal grant of $2 1/2 million for the Manitoba Arts Centre, my Ministers will propose a provincial program aggregating $9 million over the years of the celebrations. Major projects will include a new provincial parks program, special projects at Brandon and in the Peace Garden and contributions on a per capita basis to local or regional undertakings. The Manitoba Centennial Corporation is now seized with the general oversight of this program. An extension of the driver testing system will be recommended with a view to serving the whole province within a three-year period You will also be asked to establish a Special Committee to consider and recommend ways and means of reducing the accident toll on our highways, protecting pedestrians, and checking mechanical defects in vehicles Amendments to The Insurance Act will be submitted to improve the law dealing with vehicle impoundment, financial responsibility and insurance. My Ministers wish to record their appreciation of the loyalty, devotion and goodwill in which the public servants of the province carry out their duties. Their contribution to the public welfare is second to none and worthy of recognition. Estimates for the requirements of the public service of the province for the next fiscal year and the accounts for the last fiscal year will be submitted for your consideration. In leaving you I pray that you may have the guidance of Divine Providence in your deliberations.